Do you suspect your adorable pooch to be suffering from flea allergies? Try applying the flea allergy drug of Fiprofort Plus to relieve your pet from the constant itching and suffering occurring as a result of flea infestations.
Which types of feline are prone for flea attacks?
- Fleas and ticks can infest dog of any breed, age and size. Fleas are prolific parasitic insects which means that it is hard to get rid of them without the use of medications.
- For those pet parents who want to use the best flea product for their pets, having a heart to heart talk with their pet’s vet would be the right thing to do.
Most recommended flea products for dog allergies by vets:
- Most vets recommend Fiprofort Plus from GenericFrontlinePlus to be ideal flea medicine for driving away flea and ticks from pets.
- Fiprofort Plus, the flea drug available as over- the- counter (OTC) medicine in most online and local pet stores is a generic version of Frontline Plus. It is made using the two active ingredients of Fipronil and (S) Methorpene.
Major ingredients of Fiprofort Plus flea medicine for pets:
- Fipronil, a parasiticide acts by working on the nervous system of the insect .As a result, the animal is totally paralyzed and eventually face its death.
- (S) Methorpene, another key ingredient of Fiprofort Plus flea medication inhibits the hatching and growth of new eggs and adult fleas.
Application Method :
- Being oil based flea medicine; the drug of Fiprofort Plus should never be applied on the fur or coat of the animal.
- Applying the flea medicine between the shoulder blades after parting the hair is suggested to prevent the canine from licking it.
- Being water proof, once a month application is enough to protect the pet from fleas.
- There is no need for reapplication even if the pet gets drenched in rain or swims in the water or even bathed.
- Puppies above the week of 8 can be applied with this flea medicine without the fear of any side effects.
- No major side effects even on adult dogs have been reported from the use of this flea product.
Certain individual allergic reactions and sensitivities tend to occur in extreme cases. In case of any of the following allergic reactions, medical advice should always be immediately sought:
- Swelling of the face
- Uncoordinated movements
- Swelling of lips and tongue
- Seizure
- Itching
- Lethargy
- Coma and death
Nursing, pregnant canines and puppies below the age of 8 weeks should not be administered with this flea medicine. Any allergic reaction lasting for more than 12 to 24 hours needs to be attended immediately without any waste of time.
With a little precaution any suspected dog allergies can be treated effectively by using the best flea product of Fiprofort Plus.
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