Monday, 24 March 2014

Etiquettes A Dog Owner Should Know To Become A Good Neighbor

The sayings such as  ”Know your neighbor” or “Good fences make good neighbors” holds true even for dog owners . 

For most dog owners, the relationship with their neighbors ends on a sour note if they fail to train their pets properly. A right approach if adopted by pet lovers would not only help to smooth out the differences but even help to bridge the gap between the fences.  

Majority of the pet owners take their neighbors for granted. Agreed their pet is dear to them and they do not mind it’s barking and howling including other behaviors such as scratching, whimpering and whining. Won’t it be too much expecting one’s neighbor to endure the same? 

The following article deals with the basic issues which every pet lover needs to consider while breeding a pet so that it does not become a cause for rift with neighbors. 


  • The nuisance of a dog barking especially at odd hours infuriating the neighbors is a common problem faced by most pet owners. Certain precautions if followed by pet owners will definitely help to avoid any inconvenience caused as a result of barking. 
  • It is natural for an animal like dog to bark. But domesticated dogs can be trained to become quite by using words such as “hush, quiet or enough”’ A pet can be trained using such words. Gifting a treat at each time of obedience motivates a pet to follow the same. 
  • Leaving pets alone in the house without anybody to supervise should be avoided under any condition. Pets tend to become lonely and start barking causing nuisance for others. In case the pet is scared to stay alone., the option of a crate should be considered by the Pooch lover. 


  • Pets have to be groomed and kept well. Hygiene should always be given top priority while maintaining pets. This is because pets having poor hygiene attract dust and dirt. Mainly during the warmer months, regular flea medication should be done to prevent flea infestation. 
  • Choosing the effective frontline flea medication having the insecticide Fipronil and (s) Methoprene acting as Insect Growth Regulator would be of help. This flea medicine of Frontline plus dogs most preferred by dog owners aids in breeding a healthy and flea safe pet
  • Frontline flea when used regularly as when and required reduces the itching, scratching and other irritation in pets because of fleas. This works out best not only for the pet owner but also the neighbors as a disease free pet is a less troublesome pet. 


  • One of the precautions to be taken by all pet owners is never to allow the pet to roam on its own. This is not only bad for the pet but even for the neighbors.  
  • Dogs by nature are inquisitive and tend to roam. Leaving the gate or door open and thus giving them a chance to roam should be avoided at all cost. 
  • Unfortunate incidents such as getting hit by a car or getting lost or caught by Animal Control can be clearly avoided. 

Leashing the pet is one solution to disable pets from roaming. A sense of responsibility if exhibited by pet lovers will not only safeguard their pets from danger but may even help win a neighbor for life. 

Follow the link to save on flea medications: 

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