Why should dog flea control be side effect free?
Side effects can be fatal
Certain dog flea control medications contain harmful chemicals, which may cause serious health related problem in pets. These side effects include vomiting, loss of water, brain damage and at extreme case may even lead to death of the pet. Every year thousands of cases are reported in which the pet dies as soon as a flea medication is applied. This usually happens when the flea medication is of any local brand and available at a cheap price.
A good dog flea control medication is not only safe for your pet but also for your kids. Your kids love to play with your dog and if the dog flea control medication is of inferior quality then your pet as well as your child are at great risk to get in contact with such harmful chemicals.
If the dog flea control medicine is of inferior quality then your pet as well as your child is at a higher risk of brain damage. Such brain damage is usually irreversible. So it is better that you buy a good medicine that too from a reputed brand. It will be less expensive but will ensure safety to your pet as well as to your child.
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