One can topically apply this tick control for cats on the coat of the pet once in a month to protect them from parasite infestation. This Generic Frontline plus for possesses the skill to kill chewing lice and ticks on your pet within a few hours and destroys 100% of full-grown fleas on your cat within 18 hours treats all the ticks in 48 hours of time.
The active ingredient of this tick control product covers a wide spectrum insecticide recognized as fipronil along with insect pest growth regulator S-methoprene both are known to kill larvae as well as flea eggs. Along with this it strongly treats multiple phases of the Deer tick (known carrier of Lyme infection), the Lone Star tick, Brown Dog ticks, and American Dog tick.
It has been studied that the sebaceous glands present in the cat’s skin accumulate and absorbs the active ingredient of this tick control for cats. This substance wicked out timely from the pet's hair follicles and gets active regularly for a month to control fleas and ticks. This ASPIS FORTE for cats is waterproof and long-lasting.
- Useful and appropriate for cats who love to swim, as it is a waterproof product.
- Destroys the entire flea and ticks along with chewing lice.
- Helps in controlling solemn sarcoptic mange infections.
Buy here : Generic Frontline Plus for Cats |Buy ASPIS FORTE for Cats
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