Friday, 22 May 2015

Fleas On Dog Breeds; What To Do

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Fleas have more than 2000 species and subspecies and they thrive in warm, hot and humid environments.Be it any dog breed, irrespective of being small and lean, big and strong and sturdy; feed on the blood of their hosts.
 Let’s know some of the aspects of the dog fleas.


Why Are Dogs Vulnerable To Fleas?

Dogs have great hair coats and since they love to discover many places, often the places dominated by fleas, gets attacked easily. Fleas love to host on dogs as they are able to hide anywhere they want and lay eggs in a secure and warm place.


What Are The Signs Of Fleas In Dogs?

  • Appearance of ‘flea dirt' on a dog’s coat
  • Flea eggs on dogs or in a dog’s environment
  • Hair loss
  • Allergy dermatitis
  • Pale gums
  • Tapeworms
  • Ticks
  • Hot spots and scabs


Are Certain Dog Breeds Prone To Fleas?

Yes, dogs especially those who live in warm and hot/humid climates where fleas easily thrive at 65 to 80 F, and those who love to go out and live outdoors are expected to get fleas.


 How Do Fleas Be Treated?

When you know that your dog has been attacked by fleas, you can use flea control remedy for pets such as Advantix for small dogs or even best Generic Frontline Plus.

These aforementioned flea medications are quality laden and pet vet approved as they kill all infestations minus inflicting side-effects based complications.

Have pets? You need to be on your toes to ensure that they don’t fall ill due to flea infestations and even if they do, you have a quality flea medication to protect your darling pets from the menacing clutches of fleas and companions such as ticks, lice and more.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Large Dog Breed Health Care and Flea treatment

Large Dog care, Large breed Dog Care, Large Dog Flea treatment, frontline plus for large Dog, Large Dog Flea prevetnion, Frontline Flea treatment

Having large dogs and thinking that they won’t be affected by anything in the long run as they appear very bulky and ferocious?

You are wrong and must change your thinking as even large dog breeds are prone to menace such as fleas and ticks and other lifestyle diseases if not taken care of well.

Let’s quickly see some crucial aspects following which you may protect your large breed dogs and keep them healthy and happy for years to come. 

Prevent Infestations (fleas, ticks, heartworms) Year Round

Yes, be informed to know that fleas and ticks in collaboration with heartworms and other infestations form a remarkably menace army to dislodge the health and happiness of your big pooches. If your dog starts to live in isolation, scratches too much or rejects favorite foods, it’s time to rush him to a known pet vet and get diagnosed for infestations. Frontline Plus for Large Dogs could be an ideal flea medicine in this regard. 

Give Your Large Dog The Required Balanced Food

Yes, your dog may love to gorge on chicken dishes but don’t give him just that as it may lead to obesity and other health complications. It is important to provide your large dog breed with a balanced diet comprising of all basic nutrients. If you don’t know what to give, you can consult a registered pet vet and get the list today. 

Maintain Your Dog’s Joint Health

Help your dog have an active lifestyle such as playing, going to the park and enjoying on own as it would help him not only stay fit and shed weight but also good for his joint health to keep going when compared to a lazy dog only sleeping and eating all day.

Reduce Shedding & Promote Healthy Coat Keep Up

Focus more on providing your dog with Omega 3 fatty acids’ supplements or foods as it will take care of extra shedding and keeping the coat healthy and shiny gradually. Fish is an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids which you could to your dog after consulting a known vet. 

Maintain A Good Oral Care

If you are unable to maintain your dog’s oral health, it may lead to many more health hazards. So do ensure your dog a good health care regime by using some quality pet oral care products after getting in touch with your known pet vet.

Thus, why to wait; simply follow the aforementioned large dog breed health car regime and ensure that they are living a life full of health and happiness! Happy large dog keeping!