Sunday, 25 August 2013

List of different dog breeds and diseases that may occur on them

Interesting pet lovers love to explore different dog breeds and  keep searching for breeds which wow them. If you are among those curious pet lovers who love to adore different dog breeds then check out this list of dogs which you can bring  home.

Dog breeds with their estimated prices:

·         German Shepherd (Alsation) ( $3,000 – $24,000) 
·         Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ($1,000 – $14,000)
·         Samoyed ($4,000 – $11,000)
·         English Bulldog ( $2,500 – $9,000)
·         Chow Chow ($3,000 – $8,500)
·         Rottweiler ($2,000 – $8,000)
·         Tibetan Mastiff ($2,200 – $7,000)
·         Pharaoh Hound ( $2,500 – $6,500)
·         Bearded Collie ($1,000 and $5,000)
·         Akita ($1,500 – $4,500)
·         Samoyed Husky priced $4000

Above are very interesting dog breeds and is becoming the status symbol for their owners. One can see these stylish dogs in the hands of our stylish celebrities.

Money, ­­­behavior and your requirements are  the constraints to think before you avail the dog breed for your pet. If you ready to spend the above amount for respective dog breeds then you also need to spend on the pet care stuffs such as dog grooming, vaccinations and veterinarian bills.   

It is also essential to avail dog products which are trusted and medically approved. Our pets are prone to several diseases and infections if you want them to do well then know what are the common diseases occurring to  them and solutions to help them out from the problems.

  • Dental problems:
  • Flea problems:
  • Joint pain:
  • Ear infection:
  • Skin infections:
  • Stomach problems:

Above are common dog health problems; find the suitable treatment for them by taking help from a known veterinarian.

Avail dog medications for common health problems. Parasite attack is one of the most irritating problems that pets face; hence it is advisable to avail Frontline Plus for medium dogs and cats according to their sizes from trusted shop GenericFrontlinePlus

Friday, 23 August 2013

Save your kitten from parasites

Save your kitten from parasites -  New born kittens, cats and other pets in your family may get trapped by the danger of fleas and ticks if any one of them get them.. Though the kittens don’t spend their time outside the house, still chances of fleas increases with them if single flea enters the house.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Basic Rules Of Obedience Dog Training

Basic Rules Of Obedience Dog Training - Every responsible pet owner understands the importance of basic dog training rules but all that they require is special tips which will make their job easy.
There are several commands that’s coming under the obedience category that your pet should be aware of which includes sit, come, drop, wait, walk nicely with an owner, and being friendly with other dogs from the vicinity. These commands can be easily taught without force or fear.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Explore The Natural Ways To Heal The Flea Problems

Are you trying to kill the fleas on your pet And tired of this hectic job then let me introduce you with the very popular flea control remedies which are safe and absolutely natural for sure?

Give a bath to your pet:

I know it sounds ridiculous that I am addressing such a huge problem with such a stupid answer but follow this if your pet has lots of fleas; bathing your pet with herbal shampoos, flea control essential oils such as Cedarwood, lavender, citronella and similar oils will help to treat the fleas on them.

While bathing a pet, prepare the leather around their neck and ears. This will restrict fleas to jump all around the body. After bathing, ensure to comb the fur with a fine toothed flea comb.

It is also suggested to comb the fur of your pet every day. Neck, stomach and base of the tail are most vulnerable places for fleas hence concentrate on these places.

Nontoxic flea trap:

Put a flea trap prepared from soap and keep it under night lamp where your pet sleeps. The fleas will get attracted to the warmth of the light and will get drawn in the soapy solution.

Use garlic and vinegar to control fleas:

Prepare a vinegar spray and spray it on the areas where you see maximum fleas. Lemon sprays are also very popular to kill the life cycle of parasites. Fleas cannot resist the strong smell possess by these ingredients.

Go with veterinarian approved flea medications:

If you think that you cannot treat the fleas with natural remedies and find the need for flea medications then go with the advice of your veterinarian. Frontline Plus for dog and cat are popular brand which is suggested for external use and safe for the pets.

Get the proper flea treatment to eradicate all the parasites from your pet. Avail cost effective and cheap Frontline plus for dogs to eradicate fleas within few hours.

Monday, 5 August 2013

How to Effectively Get Rid of Ticks from Your Dogs

How to Effectively Get Rid of Ticks from Your Dogs: Ticks are annoying enemies of your dogs and cats which are harmful in some or the other way. They cause many diseases such as Lyme’s disease, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis. Ticks get onto the host and drain the blood until their appetite gets satisfied. . Puppies and kittens are more prone to ticks than older dogs or cats.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Know How World’s Best Celebrity Dog Owner Oprah Winfrey Take Care Of Her Pets

Know How World’s Best Celebrity Dog Owner Oprah Winfrey Take Care Of Her Pets - Oprah Winfrey has been named as the world’s Best Celebrity Dog Owner; this poll was conducted by The Hollywood Dog and The New York Dog magazines. She plays a mommy to Solomon, Cocker Spaniels Sophie and Golden Retrievers Layla, Luke and Gracie. Winfrey lives with these five furry friends in a super-renovated condo in Chicago